Mobile Chippers

Mobile Chippers

Mobile Chippers

We offer a wide range of chipping equipment options, with the customer in mind, we can create your own optimal solution, which meets today’s requirements for efficient and profitable chip production.

These chippers are designed to chip roots, whole trees, slash, and round wood, producing high quality chip for Bio Fuel and Pulp.

The mobile chippers can be mounted onto a truck, trailer, forwarder, or tracks depending on the terrain you are working on.

Mobile Drum Chippers have an aggressive and powerful power feeder with built in gearbox/hydraulic motor, which gives smooth feeder sides.
The chippers are powered by diesel engines from CAT, Volvo and Scania from 235kW to 1030kW (270hp – 1400hp)

Input opening: from 900mm up to 1200mm
Capacity: Over 200m3/hour

Working alongside our international partners we offer chippers to suit any application.

Contact one of our amazing team to learn more.