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Home > Wood > New Equipment > Bio Fuel Drying
We offer a range of Bio Fuel Drying solutions.
The LiPro walking floor dryer is a very compact and simple low wear walking floor continuous fuel dryer that is designed for drying Bio Fuel to a specific target moisture content.
The drying systems are intended for continuous operation.
The compact drying system designed as a container unit with sieving function on the walking floor for fine particles and dust, suitable for drying wood chips and similar, developed for outdoor installation.
The heat supply, and thus the wood chips drying, is controlled by the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the drying material, measured by thermo-sensors. At the same time, the cycle times for the walking floor (material feed) and the discharge screws for the wood chips and fine particles are set.
The walking floor dryers come in a 125kWh and 250kWh models
– Heat exchanger
– Fan speed control matched to the temperature of return flow
– Electric backup heating 15kW (optional)
– Intake silencer (optional)
– Almost wear-free moving floor
– Material storage approx. 27 m³
– Model: Standalone with own control
– Model: Stand by Side control only possible via HKW50 PLC
– Regulation of the final moisture of the wood chips
Drying capacity of the standard version (calculated values at 25°C and material from logs)
Forest fresh wood chips from crown wood: 15-20 Sm³/ day
Chips from logs approx.: 25-30 Sm³/ day
Final moisture content in each case approx.: 10 %
Power consumption/ day: approx.: 240 kWh
Max. heat intake: 250 kWh
Length: 12.429 mm
Width: 2.294 mm
Height: 2.686 mm
Weight approx.: 12,5 t
Skookum has expert knowledge in processing, screening, storing, handling and burning solutions for the bio fuel industry.
Contact one of our amazing team to learn more.
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